Group Therapy

Launching and College Readiness Groups

LAUNCHING 101 with Sophia K. Havasy, Ph.D. and Caitlin Bailey, LPC

For: Young Adults and Their Parents

Time: One and one half hours each week

Parents: Parents only will attend each 4th session


This group is designed to work with young adults and their parents to initiate the launching process with the completion of high school, or, to pick up the process and reactivate wherever the family is stuck. often the young people have neuroatypical developmental issues that complicate the launching pricess. We find that families need help and the young adults need a safe place to work on their issues as they tackle the adult world.


Each session we will work on specific target areas and the young adult will leave with homework assignments that are coordinated with the parents.


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College Readiness Group

For: High School Juniors and Seniors

Topics are:

  • Self-awareness
  • Strengths & weaknesses/Risk-awareness
  • Stress management
  • Time management
  • Goals/motivations
  • Expectations
  • Social Scene

Time: One hour each week; Thursdays 5:00-6:00 PM; 

Parents and Seniors to attend the first session together

- 5 group sessions

- Parents and Students attend the first session together

*Students new to the Center need to meet with Dr. Havasy for an Initial Evaluation prior to the group.

(Participants who are new to the practicerequire a one-hour evaluation by Dr. Havasy. The cost of this evaluation is $205).


Call the Center to reserve a space or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.