Current News

Article from MDLinx about the impact of quarantining.


Tips for staying connected during Covid-19 Pandemic: 

  1. Schedule time out of your day to connect with friends and family. While phone calls are always more personal than text messages, try FaceTiming or video chatting to give it an even more personal feel. What a great time to reach out to that friend from college, or that old coworker, or that distant family member you’ve been wanting to re-connect with. 


  1. Spend time reconnecting with the people you live with. Whether it’s a spouse, your children, or your parents, this is a great time to reconnect with the people in your home. It’s easy to get in a mundane routine with your spouse—wake up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, and go to sleep. This is the perfect time to spend quality time together and prioritize your relationship. Turn off the TV and play board games, or other interactive games that involve active participation. Discuss feelings, old memories, or plan your next vacation together. 


  1. Manage your stress level. Keep up your exercise routine, pray or meditate. There are great in-home exercise apps that require little or no equipment. Similarly, apps like Simple Habit or Calm can guide you through daily meditations. If you are a spiritual person, spend time reconnecting with your spirituality. Take a walk outside around the neighborhood. If your neighbors are outside, stop to talk (while maintaining a 6-foot distance). 


  1. Support your community. There are ways to virtually get involved in your community, including donating to local food banks or meals-on-wheels. Have your children write letters to those quarantined in nursing homes, or send care packages to your local fire or police stations. Creating care-packages and giving back is a great way for you and your children to spread hope. 


We are doing to teletherapy during this difficult time.  Please call 713.621.9515 to make an appointment.


bailey caitlin

Caitlin Bailey, LPC